How your application behaves when eve...
How your application behaves when everything goes wrong? Com Emerson Macedo
- 11/17/2017 at 05:30 p.m.
- Recorded on Nov. 17, 2017, 5:30 p.m.
The purpose of this talk is to share some recent experiences dealing with high throughput API Services, dealing with comunication failures with components, databases, external services, etc. We’ll explore real world applications of my daily work, and see when some solutions like circuit breaker, cache stale, service mesh and other can guarantee your service resilience and uptime. We’ll cover some questions of my application behaves when: – The database is not available – Some external services are broken or with not acceptable response time – Network is somehow failing
Problem solver. Passionate programmer. My goal is to always seek for how I can create value for somebody.
19 years working professionally, I’ve worked for web portals, insurance, telecommunications, banks, among others. Programmer language agnostic.
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Pioneira e líder em hospedagem de sites no País, oferece um portfólio completo de serviços de internet com foco no sucesso dos seus clientes.